Moving Like a River

Moving Like a River is a worship album featuring all original songs by John Gabriel Arends. The theme of the album is very specific: it is meant to prophesy the word of the Lord to weary hearts and build faith again. Like many of the Psalms, the lyrics of these songs grapple with the realities that many of us face: disappointment, delays, deferred, and dry spiritual ground. But when the Lord speaks, life comes—even to dead, dry bones. These songs are full of prophetic promises from the Lord, and they are sure to build your faith.

Track List:

Songsheets and chords available here

  1. Stretch Wide

  2. God of Deliverance

  3. God Is Moving Like a River

  4. Dry Bones

  5. Family on a Mission


Undivided Heart (Album)


Let Fire Fall (Album)