Look Who’s Laughing Now
"He who sits in the heavens laughs." -Psalm 2:4
Song story:
About 11 years ago, I was in Thailand with my dad and a team of other friends doing missions. We experienced incredible opposition, so much so that we were ready to quit and go home. But the Lord spoke to my dad from Psalm 2:4, "He who sits in the heavens laughs." And He said, "I want you to laugh with me." And instead of getting wrapped up in the warfare, our team began to deliberately laugh. Did we feel like it? No. Not one bit. Everything was going wrong. But we tapped into heavenly realities, and we decided to pull heaven down. For the rest of the trip, we watched everything flip around. Supernatural healing miracles were breaking out, "unreachable" people were coming to Jesus, and we were filled with the joy of the Lord.
That experience marked me forever. And this song was born out of that truth we learned. Jesus is firmly seated on the highest throne, and He is laughing. His atmosphere is joy, and He is fully confident that all of His enemies are under His feet. No circumstance shakes Him, and not even death can hold Him down. And what's more? Ephesians 2:6 says, "God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms!" If Jesus is laughing, I will too. I have nothing to fear. Not a pandemic, not a virus, not lack, not persecution, not even death. If Jesus is not afraid, neither am I. And If He is a warrior, so am I.
I felt the Lord set it on my heart to write this song from Psalm 2 and many other scriptures. Every part of the song came from God's word. This is your song to fight with. This is your song to find VICTORY. Go to war with it. This is how we have fought our battles for the last 11 years in my church family, and we want to share this key to overcoming with you.
As a side note, this is the most fun I've ever had recording a song. If there was a box that worship music is supposed to fit in, I did my best to smash it. Worship is not a genre, and we're not staying stuck in those ruts anymore. This music is not pretty church music. It's wild. Go listen at full volume and dance with all your might.
We win!
— John Gabriel Arends

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